(Highly Recommended)
I wandering why questions will exist?Questions can be in term of good and bad..There are times where i hope questions would not exist in mind.But, we cannot stop questions from popping in our mind and also, questions popping from others..We cannot control it but, we can make ourself to feel better about it..
Recently, someone asked me questions..it comes like this..
Someone:Do you 'miss' him because he not at here with you?
Me:For SURE!!!
Someone:Do you ever think of 'ONE' day you two might end up not together which is a.k.a break up??
Me:Is a big NO!!!I never think of it before..since the day i start to be with him~~and my answer is firm, there is no doubting about it**
~The End~
Yesterday, before i went to sleep, i think about this matter seriously.I really thinks that we got future together and we will end up together, growing old together until our teeth drop and left few only although it maybe me that end up, all teeth drop in the end because his teeth stronger than mine..No matter what happen and what other says, I truly believe in this and also our feelings..because it is not a game, it is REAL!!!cheers to this**I praying hard for it..i believe in it..
where got sentimental leh..true bah..