Now..is raining..and i feel very sleepy..so, i decided to write a new post and also because, i yesterday have some thinking~~before i asleep last night, i think of something and for sure i got think of him also which make me smile alone..also, some sob sob.. I thinking..when i can meet him ya..because is been awhile that we have not meet with each other and i wonder whether he got change or not. But, i bet that he did not change and still the same old him with the same heart**winks winks**The feelings thingy really very special especially when comes to LOVE matters~I have been thinking about this matter seriously..it was like some kind of magic..there is a time whereas you will miss someone so much and there are times, you would not miss someone that much..but, the feelings will occur from time to time~this is what make the LOVE grows and become stronger** The things that i think about last night are:
P/S:The main function of this post is..to kept our memories, so,i can refer back some other time..but, for sure, our memories is kept safely inside my heart♥♥**i will never forget this magical moments of 'US'++
- I think back the times, where i often wait for him to finished class at my school foyer and that time, i mostly will online at the foyer using his lappie and sometimes, he will come down from his class to find me awhile and i thinks because he scare me will feel boring. Actually, i do not feel boring waiting him to finish class and i felt that the time past by quite fast from what i thought..Oh ya..i also will prepared some foods for him during his classes because he often feel hungry and want some foods to stop his stomach from making noises~I just miss the times where i do all this things..maybe, in others eyes thinks that i very 'sticky' or whatever terms they want to give, but, i do not care because i just want to spend more time with him and is our business and not them..
- Oh!!I also think back the times where he will chat with me awhile when he sent me back after going out..he will see me go upstairs to my room and then wave to him from my room, then he will just leave my hostel..is just so sweet..sometimes, we will chat awhile whereas i talk to him through my room's window while he standing at downstairs..simply very sweettt..
- Also, there are times in our third year in University, i waited him at the Science & Technology School whereas he is still having his class and i already finish my class. Thus, i decided to walk to the school and wait him whereas we can went to class together or have lunch together..There is a time, where i reached there late and saw some of his classmates already leaving, and i quickly hurried up to catch him because i scare he will be leaving with them because he does not know i will come..but, to my surprise, he come out from his car and does not look like leaving at all..maybe he is waiting me because i often wait him at the same place or..maybe..he forget to take his things..i do not know because i never ask him..i kept it in my heart..
P/S:The main function of this post is..to kept our memories, so,i can refer back some other time..but, for sure, our memories is kept safely inside my heart♥♥**i will never forget this magical moments of 'US'++
ReplyDeleteaiduh yuan he..can post comments leh..
ReplyDeletewhere got any problem wor..hehehe~~
hehe~~not very wonderful la..just some memories of me and him ma..so sweet~~
ReplyDeletehere you come again..LOVE SICK again..opss...
ReplyDeletecis!!sibuk punya ah popo~~lovey-dovey~~