In this week..i learned what is fair and square..most of the time, we will not receive back what we already give to others or sometimes, we do receive back but, it is not in the fair and square term..it maybe depends on us how to think and perceive the fair and square term. But, i now i finally know it~~The fair and square terms is in my blood and flesh also, i was born in the month of October which is Libra horoscope and often emphasize on the fair fair term..
I understand:
I understand:
- What you give out does not equals to what you receive.
- Sometimes it is depends on your lucks(which i do not have most of the time).
- There are times, where you no need to give anything but, you receive more than that.
*The conclusions for this are..nothing is equals in this world and not even love..for example, your partner may love you more or less than you or sometimes, when you are doing something which you really have put your heart and sweat out, but nobody see and appreciate it, but, the other one that did not put their heart out when do things get appreciated*This i what call inequality and is the norms of this world*We just have to accept it and move on~~
Since, the nobody did not see and appreciate it, then, why you still stay and not move on..my mind is make and i will move on, because i do not want to stay at this 'still path' more than a minute~~is enough already for now~~let's move on!!!cheers for myself**
Since, the nobody did not see and appreciate it, then, why you still stay and not move on..my mind is make and i will move on, because i do not want to stay at this 'still path' more than a minute~~is enough already for now~~let's move on!!!cheers for myself**
Completely agreed!what u had sacrifice u will not always getting the return..that's life!but however,as i always remind myself that,as long as u try ur best in everything,u can held ur head high,i say,"i tried my best,regardless" and "I nvr give up easily" =)
ReplyDeleteyeah..i will never give up easily if not i will lose to myself..