Therefore, i decided to write a page of blog specially for my beloved makanan.hehehe..firstly, i would like to introduce the super duper yummy biscuits which is from my hometown..the first picture is the biscuits called 'siu pa wong' in Cantonese which the inti are salted eggs, chicken floss and is sweet in flavour..the second picture is the biskut kahwin which most of the Chinese at Ipoh will buy it and give to their relatives or friends when they daughter in their family is married..there are two different flavours which the yellow colour is 'tao yong' or green bean while the red colour biscuit is 'tao sa' or red was so yummy..totally thumbs up!!!
The next foods is only can eat and found at my home which the yeong tau fu is specially made by my mama, Aunty Lam..Aunty Lam will go to the pasar to pick the bahan such as green colour chilis, tau fu pok, tauhu, bitter gourd or 'fu kua' and terung or brinjals..then..Aunty also will buy the fish meat or 'sai to yu yuk'..the yeong tau fu will be cooked with bean paste sauce and some corn flour will be added to the sauce to make it more sticky~~can you imagine that??is so delicious and my stomach is starting to make noises~~~
The last pictures is the doughnuts that i bought at Dunkin's Donuts during my trip to Shah Alam..i only bought three flavours from all of the flavours from the shop..the flavours that i have bought are double chocolate doughnut, wholemeal doughnut and blueberry doughnut..wuhoo~~i'm lovin love it♥~~
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