Today is friday..which is the second friday for the Year 2010..Before i start with my new year resolution~s..i will briefly describe my last year life or Year 2009..Last year., there are many big things happen in my life which included the bad and happy news..for sure, i will cheerish the happy news and things but..from the bad or sad thing i can learnt from, it takes two emotions for me to learnt things~~
Let's start with the bad or sad things..or is not exactly sad things just something that bothers me..In the beginning of the Year 2009, January, where i went back to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah to continue with my degree's studies..i finally see back him which is the things that i cheerish the most and i have waited for a long time to see him back..its really happy because i finally can see him..yippee~~but, on the same day, i have dissappointed him because i failed to do a thing which he hope i can, i can summarized that..i have bring him dissappointment early in the year..i really felt so bad for it..I have set some resolutions for myself last year which is..i will do whatever i want to do as long as i'm happy with it and i won't regret for doing it..its previous years..i didnt do so many things that i supposed to do which it make me regret alot..
Few months after the new year have start..i have gone through alot of things which included the meaning of friendship, the true side or real face of some people and many many more..i really thanks for those that make me learnt all this things..because it make me grown up and think the mid-year i have start my 3 months practical training which i worked as a customer service associatee..during this 3 months training i have learnt so many things and i quite enjoyed with this job because i have meet many kinds of people such as tourists from other countries and i enjoyed talking with them because i can exchanged informations with them..its so much fun!!i also meet with few nice colleagues during my training session..and i have become buddies with them..we often hang out together which includes eating lunch together, shuppping together, gossiping together and many many things that we have done together..i really missed them~~..also, i have move out from my university 's hostel and stay outside during the 3 months training, i have learnt to depend on myself because there is no other people i can depend..and yet, he is always there to support me and for me to depend..and also, thanks to my colleague also because he sometimes fetch me to work and wait me finish work and fetch me back to my temporary home..i really appreciated it!!
I still remember..during my last week of training i tend to get sick so often which i have to take MC leave for few days..due to my sickness i can see some people true because some of the people in my workplace tend to avoid them to get intouch with me because they suspect me having the H1N1..therefore, they avoid to get close to me because they scare i will infect them..thus, from here..i can see their true kind of funny because in just a short time, you can get to know the other side of people..thanks for it!!! this incident i also can know who is true and who is fake..thanks to him because accompany me during i'm sick..because i knew that i have troubled you alot during i sick and not just when this time but also during the training period..
On October 2009, is my long-awaited convocation..three years really past by so fast which is just like a blink of eyes..i have meet so many kind of people in this three years time..there are bad people..good people..innocent people..fake people..the list of nice people are him, my room mates, my colleagues and lots for fake people list..i decided to forget it since they are not worth to be remember..hehehe..
After my long-awaited convocation, i have to start my work life..and i finally get a job..thanks to Miss Apple Peng!!cheers**
As for Year 2010, there are few resolutions that i have set so far..firstly, i hope that i can save money no matter of the amount because i tend to used alot of money nowadays and the money is flowing like water..thus, i would like to save, i want to have a healthy lifestyle whereas i want to join a YOGA class..yup!!is yoga class..and i now still new year resolutions continue..i hope i can see him more..ok not new year resolution but is my new year hope.hehehe..
Lastly, i hope everything will goes well for friends..HIM..and myself too...let's move on~~and keep in mind that 'What will happen will happen' and..the past is already past and we will learnt from it and there is always tomorrow which is the new day and new start!!~~love it~~
hehehe..dun pura pura ya..u already know who is he..someone special lo..hehehe..thanx for reading my secret..sHHH....