Everyday..either when i go to work or finish work went home..i for sure will pass by my neighbour's house..and then..without fail..i everytime will look for the 'Guppy'(Doggie)..He everytime either will eat or asleep like a pig which his sleep posture is very indeed funny. For instance, he will sleep with four of his legs is in upward pose..or..he will place two of his legs under his chin..so cute and funny..
By looking at him..i will laugh on my own..yes, he can make me laugh..because he is too CUTE..i love him so much but too bad..my mum did not let me have him. But, luckily..my mum did not stop me from petting him..everytime, when my mum cook the dishes like chicken, duck or others that got bones..i sure will keep it for him to eat and my mum also will do so..i guess that..everyone also love him..
But, he got few bad habits..such as: he like to barks and chase the strangers that pass by his house..example, that day he chased the 'Electric Man' which is the person that responsible for electric bills..thus, to avoid him being hit by the man..i went out and find him..later on, i keep him inside my house for a moment..this is a bad habit of him..Recently, i noticed that he become more choosy when it comes to foods..there is a day..where i give him chicken bones..he ate all the bones and left out the 'Chicken Butt'. At first, he chewed it but, after awhile..he vomited it..i guess i have to train him in the future time so that, he would not become so choosy..first, i will start with..letting him eat 'Keropok'..*winks**
Oh ya..there is a time..where my mum want to walk to shop to 'da pao' foods..he followed my mum until the shop and then he returned home with my mum..maybe he just want to accompany my mum..so cute of him**love him***
P/S:I guessed that..doggie is everyone best friend~~
~Ordinary life, Ordinary stories but is great and memorable experiences for Me~
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Wandering Around Day~~
Today..i woke up extremely early which is at 6.50am..because i have to go to the driving lesson..i really felt very lazy and my bones seems very heavy which i just wish i could lye back on my comfy bed..but..reality is very cruel and i still have to get up from my bed..tata my bed..and my smelly pillows~~sob sob**
I learn driving till 9am and then..i started my pra-test for my driving.Luckily, i pass it..if not,my driving instructor sure will grumble me..Thanks God for that!i waited him till 11am and then i requested him to drop me at Ipoh Parade because..i have a date with my bestie,Mei Teng at there..
After i meet her at there, the first place that i visited is..The Food Court..oh, gosh!!i am so hungry..i have been starving since morning and yet i still have not taken my breakfast..i was so relieved when i arrived at the food court and without wasting my time..i ordered my foods..and EAT,EAT..syiok~~
After the makan-makan session, we went to jalan-jalan~~we walked and walked till 6pm..we really amazed at ourself because we able to walk so long at the mall..averagely, each shop..we have have visited 3 times..it was fun but yet, tiring**
Therefore, i can summarized my day in few words..which is..i have done alot of exercise on that day..
P/S:During my jalan-jalan time, i have found few targets..which is as below:
I learn driving till 9am and then..i started my pra-test for my driving.Luckily, i pass it..if not,my driving instructor sure will grumble me..Thanks God for that!i waited him till 11am and then i requested him to drop me at Ipoh Parade because..i have a date with my bestie,Mei Teng at there..
After i meet her at there, the first place that i visited is..The Food Court..oh, gosh!!i am so hungry..i have been starving since morning and yet i still have not taken my breakfast..i was so relieved when i arrived at the food court and without wasting my time..i ordered my foods..and EAT,EAT..syiok~~
After the makan-makan session, we went to jalan-jalan~~we walked and walked till 6pm..we really amazed at ourself because we able to walk so long at the mall..averagely, each shop..we have have visited 3 times..it was fun but yet, tiring**
Therefore, i can summarized my day in few words..which is..i have done alot of exercise on that day..
P/S:During my jalan-jalan time, i have found few targets..which is as below:
- A stripes / polka dots tube dress
- A satin ribbon belt(is a STEAL)
- A flowery handphone bag
Saturday, February 20, 2010
No Way~~
I believe that..in every people's life..there is a time where you will feel completely lost..or maybe just abit lost..but, still..you are lost before..the lost i mean here is..mentally lost..as for myself..i have been lost few times..i felt thankful that i still able to find my way back every time i am lost..for this, i have to thank God for guiding me back to the correct way or path..i need it!!
At this moment, i not completely lost..but, just abit..sometimes..maybe is myself that questioned too much..for instance: in love life, working life, study and the summary is i questioned too much in my life..how, i wish to know what is ahead of me and without have to think so much..but..it is impossible..because..if we already know what will happens in the future undertakings, we will lose alot of excitements and hopes..thus, i better not to know what lies in my future now..because i want to know it by experience it by myself so that i can gain something like experience..
L.O.S.T-->Is just a four-letters words and F.U.T.U.R.E-->Is just a six-letters words..but, yet..in our life..it is important and questions marks often appear between this two words with ten-letters words..right now, i definitely will, take a braver step..to step out from all this..because i do not want to always stay in blurness..and we just can live our LIFE once..we should not waste it and we must do what we want to..see what we want to see..for me, outside..there are so MANY things that i have not see before and..outside..there are so many types of people that i do not know..thus, by going outside..i can expand my thinking and not just stay in a box only..i should not put a limitation to myself..it only will bring more harm than benefits to me..~Go,Go,Go!!!just move out!!!!~
~By looking at the sky and watching the clouds swimming in the sky it can give me alot of support~Thanks for creating such a wonderful nature~
P.S:By listening to the 'Flying Without Wings' by Westlife can brings up our spirits..~*singing along the song('00')*~lalalala~~~
At this moment, i not completely lost..but, just abit..sometimes..maybe is myself that questioned too much..for instance: in love life, working life, study and the summary is i questioned too much in my life..how, i wish to know what is ahead of me and without have to think so much..but..it is impossible..because..if we already know what will happens in the future undertakings, we will lose alot of excitements and hopes..thus, i better not to know what lies in my future now..because i want to know it by experience it by myself so that i can gain something like experience..
L.O.S.T-->Is just a four-letters words and F.U.T.U.R.E-->Is just a six-letters words..but, yet..in our life..it is important and questions marks often appear between this two words with ten-letters words..right now, i definitely will, take a braver step..to step out from all this..because i do not want to always stay in blurness..and we just can live our LIFE once..we should not waste it and we must do what we want to..see what we want to see..for me, outside..there are so MANY things that i have not see before and..outside..there are so many types of people that i do not know..thus, by going outside..i can expand my thinking and not just stay in a box only..i should not put a limitation to myself..it only will bring more harm than benefits to me..~Go,Go,Go!!!just move out!!!!~

P.S:By listening to the 'Flying Without Wings' by Westlife can brings up our spirits..~*singing along the song('00')*~lalalala~~~
Friday, February 19, 2010
Before CNY~~
This month is a special month where i can enjoy my shupping time and buy whatever i want because..(1) Tiger year is coming soon, (2) I want to shup, (3) My bestie, Mei Teng is back to Ipoh already..and whatever the reason is..I enjoy shupping so much..Love it~~but, the bad news is..my wallet is very hurt and crying in pain..and so is my bank account..and at the same time..my wardrobe is celebrating happily because they got new 'friends' to join them..wuhooo~~cheers to that**
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Chor 4(Fourth Day of CNY)
Finally..this morning i have the chance to sleep till 10am..hooray~~cheeerss**i love to sleep so much!!!i goyang kaki for the whole day..and then..at night about 7.30pm, my friend, Miss Atan come and fetch me out to eat steamboat with my 'ji mui'...we arrived there around 8pm and eat till 10pm until the shop want to closed..we have a great chat at there because we have not see each other for some time..we chat and chat..and eat..eat and chat..and finally, is the time for us to go home..hope that we can meet with each other real soon..miss you guys**sob sob***
Chor 3(Third Day of CNY)
Today..i do not have anything to do..just wake up and enjoy with my day..shake shake legs..i love it~~i love doing nothing at home and simply enjoy with the foods and television shows..oh ya, due to the reason that the weather is burning hot which like a microwave oven..i whole day drank alot of water..for example: i drank 3 cups of Sunquick Blackcurrant juice, 2 small boxes of Pokka Green Tea and also a small boxes of Drinho Soya Bean..i guessed that..i just drank alot for the day..
Around 12pm..my friend, Miss Apple come and fetch me to go out..we went to sing k at E-Box..from 1pm till 4pm..then..we went kai-kai at Jusco till 6.30pm..is a miracle day for me..because i did not buy anything during the kai-kai trip!!wuhoo..cheers for myself~~this is the end of third day of chinese new year in tiger year..grrr...
Around 12pm..my friend, Miss Apple come and fetch me to go out..we went to sing k at E-Box..from 1pm till 4pm..then..we went kai-kai at Jusco till 6.30pm..is a miracle day for me..because i did not buy anything during the kai-kai trip!!wuhoo..cheers for myself~~this is the end of third day of chinese new year in tiger year..grrr...
Chor 2(Second Day of CNY)
As usual..i woke up at 9am which is as usual woke up by dad's sound..then i prepared myself and ready to eat breakfast..my mum cooked her hometown foods which we often eat during CNY..then..i continued watching drama with my family and take at nap in the noon time..
And..around 6pm..i went to my cousin's house which all my relatives gather at there and the 'angpow ceremony' happens..i get alot of angpow at there..the quantity of the angpow is alot but the quality..i speechless..what do i mean by the quality is the amount inside the red packets..sad case..but..is better than none..cheers**
During the open house at my cousin's house..there is lion dance performance to entertain us and small buffet to serve us..after all the eating and sibuk-ing..me and my sister went outside of the house to play the fireworks..is been a while since i did not play fireworks..enjoy***

And..around 6pm..i went to my cousin's house which all my relatives gather at there and the 'angpow ceremony' happens..i get alot of angpow at there..the quantity of the angpow is alot but the quality..i speechless..what do i mean by the quality is the amount inside the red packets..sad case..but..is better than none..cheers**
During the open house at my cousin's house..there is lion dance performance to entertain us and small buffet to serve us..after all the eating and sibuk-ing..me and my sister went outside of the house to play the fireworks..is been a while since i did not play fireworks..enjoy***
~The lily flower outside my house~
Chor 1(First Day of CNY)
Wuhooo~~today is the first day of Chinese New Year..i woke up around 9am after woke up by my dad..then i hurried to downstairs to shower and then prepared myself before i went to wish my dad and get angpow from him..and..is my first angpow for this TIGER year..and is the first angpow i get since 3 years ago~~miss it!!!
After i get my angpow..i went to kitchen to eat my mum specially made breakfast..while eating the breakfast, i enjoyed with the CNY show on television.later, i also help my mum to wrap the angpow packets..
Therefore, i can summarized that..my whole day of first CNY is spent at home with my family and..i sleep most of the time..and also, i eat the whole day..shake-shake legs whole day..thus, i is enjoy-ing the whole day..love it~~

After i get my angpow..i went to kitchen to eat my mum specially made breakfast..while eating the breakfast, i enjoyed with the CNY show on television.later, i also help my mum to wrap the angpow packets..
Therefore, i can summarized that..my whole day of first CNY is spent at home with my family and..i sleep most of the time..and also, i eat the whole day..shake-shake legs whole day..thus, i is enjoy-ing the whole day..love it~~
~My yummy breakfast, mama cooked geh mee sua~
Friday, February 12, 2010
Spaghetti Day~~
This afternoon..i went to eat lunch with my colleagues at Crazy Ice-Cream to celebrate Tiger year which is coming very soon~~i guessed today..we all is full with holiday mood..or is maybe..our lazy worms is getting us..but, anyway..we enjoyed it..the foods, the spirits and also the laziness inside me~~
I have ordered a set lunch which includes: spaghetti, salad, a soft drink and also dessert which is a corn flavour ice-cream..love it~~why i would named this page of my blog spaghetti day is because of: today i suddenly feels like want to eat spaghetti and..when i am eating my spaghetti..i suddenly think of the last time i eat the spaghetti that cooked by HIM..i missed the time where he cooked spaghetti and bring it for me during school time..i really missed that time and the taste of the spaghetti..although, the times where he bring me spaghetti is countable..but, i really appreciate it because he cooked and bring it specially for me..it looks like time has past by us so fast without we even realized..i guessed i miss HIM again~~oh, gosh!!but, i am happy because i do..

I have ordered a set lunch which includes: spaghetti, salad, a soft drink and also dessert which is a corn flavour ice-cream..love it~~why i would named this page of my blog spaghetti day is because of: today i suddenly feels like want to eat spaghetti and..when i am eating my spaghetti..i suddenly think of the last time i eat the spaghetti that cooked by HIM..i missed the time where he cooked spaghetti and bring it for me during school time..i really missed that time and the taste of the spaghetti..although, the times where he bring me spaghetti is countable..but, i really appreciate it because he cooked and bring it specially for me..it looks like time has past by us so fast without we even realized..i guessed i miss HIM again~~oh, gosh!!but, i am happy because i do..

This is the spaghetti that i have ordered and thanks to Miss Apple Peng because snap such a beautiful picture.muaxxx~~
New Year Mood~~
12th of february 2010, friday..today..i totally in the holiday mood because Chinese New Year is coming..just two more days..tiger year will arrive..arghhh..thinking about it already make me happy because..i got 3 days holiday which until next wednesday. i can sleep and eat whenever i want in that few days..is been awhile already since i enjoy my goyang kaki day..i'm waiting for it!!and i'm...totally READY for it. .
Let's talk back my before new year day's mood which is today..early in the morning, i already starting to enjoy my holiday which i chatting and playing with my colleagues..it was very fun..during the chat, we also enjoying the foods which the foods is taken from the company hamper..WUHOO~~and also, while chatting with my colleague..i took a mandarin orange to eat..juicy~~
I really is in holiday mood and i thinks that..everyone also feel the same because from my observation and sixth sense tell me that they already fell in the holiday mood and everyone is waiting for tomorrow which is HOLIDAY!!yippeee~~

Let's talk back my before new year day's mood which is today..early in the morning, i already starting to enjoy my holiday which i chatting and playing with my colleagues..it was very fun..during the chat, we also enjoying the foods which the foods is taken from the company hamper..WUHOO~~and also, while chatting with my colleague..i took a mandarin orange to eat..juicy~~
I really is in holiday mood and i thinks that..everyone also feel the same because from my observation and sixth sense tell me that they already fell in the holiday mood and everyone is waiting for tomorrow which is HOLIDAY!!yippeee~~
P.S-->At here i attached a picture of the 'in process' scarf for him..which i lazy to upload it later.hehe~~
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Today..i have to take bus go home because my big sister want to go out with her friend after finish work..thus, i have to go back on my own..what to do..because i do not know driving yet and have to take bus lo..
Actually, i quite enjoy with the bus time because..i can enjoy the scenery and see people around..but, unfortunate..the weather is too hot and is especially hot and burning during my after work time..oh, my gosh!!i want cold air..please..but, too bad that..life is not a bed of roses..while waiting for the super 'efficient' bus..i was sweating and my sweats like an open pipe..dripping and dripping..and finally the bus have arrived and picked me..
After i arrived at town, i have to changed to another bus in order to arrive at my home..i waited and waited till 6.15pm..i wonder what people will think if they know me finished work at 5pm and until 6.15pm i also have not reach home..this is the life of people who is taking bus..please do not think that this is an easy thing..it requires time, patience and SWEATS!!the bus finally arrived at 6.15pm and i have choose at seat which is the most behind in the bus..i very enjoyed with the ride home because i can see alot of scenery which i have not see since a year ago..i missed the time i work part time at Greentown there where i take bus home with my mama..
Oh ya..and also..before my taman bus arrive..i saw few pigeons trying to find something to eat at the floor..they just so cute because there is one pigeon trying to eat a plastic bag which the pigeon thinks that it was food..is just so ADORABLE!!i like to see these because it sometimes will make me smile..just a simple thing can cheer me up and make me smile..maybe is because of my life is simple or i am easy to satisfy but yet, i enjoy my life and like the way i live now~~
After i reached home at 6.45pm, i saw my dad just went back from pumping the bicycle tyres, i decided to take a ride with the bicycle..i ride the bicycle at nearby only..and during the bicycle time, i suddenly have some flash back which includes, there is a time where i ride bicycle with Mei Teng, my bestie..and i got attempt to try to fetch her but i fail..it was so funny..and also i recalled back some of the memories whereas i always ride bicycle to Atan's house..and there is a time where i fell into the drain because i tried to avoid from crashing a cat..there are so many memories that related to bicycle..i missed all those time..and wish in the future time, i still can have alot of chance and time to ride a bicycle..
P/S:Riding a bicycle is so much fun which it also can let you to think of something either is future plans or old memories..keep it up!!!
Actually, i quite enjoy with the bus time because..i can enjoy the scenery and see people around..but, unfortunate..the weather is too hot and is especially hot and burning during my after work time..oh, my gosh!!i want cold air..please..but, too bad that..life is not a bed of roses..while waiting for the super 'efficient' bus..i was sweating and my sweats like an open pipe..dripping and dripping..and finally the bus have arrived and picked me..
After i arrived at town, i have to changed to another bus in order to arrive at my home..i waited and waited till 6.15pm..i wonder what people will think if they know me finished work at 5pm and until 6.15pm i also have not reach home..this is the life of people who is taking bus..please do not think that this is an easy thing..it requires time, patience and SWEATS!!the bus finally arrived at 6.15pm and i have choose at seat which is the most behind in the bus..i very enjoyed with the ride home because i can see alot of scenery which i have not see since a year ago..i missed the time i work part time at Greentown there where i take bus home with my mama..
Oh ya..and also..before my taman bus arrive..i saw few pigeons trying to find something to eat at the floor..they just so cute because there is one pigeon trying to eat a plastic bag which the pigeon thinks that it was food..is just so ADORABLE!!i like to see these because it sometimes will make me smile..just a simple thing can cheer me up and make me smile..maybe is because of my life is simple or i am easy to satisfy but yet, i enjoy my life and like the way i live now~~
After i reached home at 6.45pm, i saw my dad just went back from pumping the bicycle tyres, i decided to take a ride with the bicycle..i ride the bicycle at nearby only..and during the bicycle time, i suddenly have some flash back which includes, there is a time where i ride bicycle with Mei Teng, my bestie..and i got attempt to try to fetch her but i fail..it was so funny..and also i recalled back some of the memories whereas i always ride bicycle to Atan's house..and there is a time where i fell into the drain because i tried to avoid from crashing a cat..there are so many memories that related to bicycle..i missed all those time..and wish in the future time, i still can have alot of chance and time to ride a bicycle..
P/S:Riding a bicycle is so much fun which it also can let you to think of something either is future plans or old memories..keep it up!!!
Shopping for New Year
On sunday..i went out to shupping with my bestie at 11am..when i reached there..she is reading newspaper while updating herself with the current trends..so funny leh her~~
Then we straight away went to shop and walked around..during the first round of shopping we did not bough anything because we want to have a look at the things and prices before we make a deal..we walked and walked..n finally we have bought something..then, we went to food court to eat..i eat chee cheong fun and drink sea coconut with lemon tong sui..yummy~~love it leh~~around 4pm, we finally finished walked and is the time we have to go home..sob sob~~i still have not done with shopping yet..oh ya!!and i have bought a present for him because valentine's Day is around the corner..hope he will like it~~

Then we straight away went to shop and walked around..during the first round of shopping we did not bough anything because we want to have a look at the things and prices before we make a deal..we walked and walked..n finally we have bought something..then, we went to food court to eat..i eat chee cheong fun and drink sea coconut with lemon tong sui..yummy~~love it leh~~around 4pm, we finally finished walked and is the time we have to go home..sob sob~~i still have not done with shopping yet..oh ya!!and i have bought a present for him because valentine's Day is around the corner..hope he will like it~~
~My contact lense~
~Formal Shirt from my favourite shop,FOS~
~Small bag from Thai fair for my sis~
~Polka dots wedges which is a steal~~
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
The same day at new place(Day 5)~~
Today..i will start my journey back to my hometown..i wake up very early and then eat the chee cheong fun for my breakfast..after my breakfast..i start my journey to airport which i hope the time can stop at least for awhile..if not..let the time pass by like snails..but too bad..time still moving like usual and the clock is ticking..i reached Kota Kinabalu Airport around 10.15am..when i arrived there, to my surprise..the counters all closed and just two counters open..it was so funny~~and at the screen there written..'SYSTEM DOWN'..and they have to check the customers in manually..i waited there with him till 10.45am and my flight gonna depart at 10.55am..i quickly rushed inside and did not even have time to have a proper time with him before i leave..
*After this meeting, do not know have to wait till when to meet him again.but, yet..i still full of HOPE to see him again..hope time will pass by very fast*

*After this meeting, do not know have to wait till when to meet him again.but, yet..i still full of HOPE to see him again..hope time will pass by very fast*
~My new pendrive~
~Pinky MP3~
~Nicole Formal Shirt~
~Kl Sentral bus ticket~
~My boarding ticket..and the seat is window seat~
~My movie ticket with him~
~KTM ticket from Ipoh to KL Sentral~
The same day at new place(Day 4)~~
Actually, today he got morning class but it was canceled by his lecturer and this is a good news for me because he got more time to accompany me and i no need to wake up early..wuhhooo~~~we went out around 11.30am because he need to go town to find his text book but, lucks is not on our side because the book is SOLD OUT..oh, no!!then..we went to Karamunsing because i need to buy computer stuffs..we round and round and round at there till 1.15pm and finally managed to bought one 8gb pendrive for myself and another 4gb pendrive for Miss Apple Peng..the pendrive is so cute and not like other pendrive..
After my shupping for the computer stuffs, we went to Centre Point to eat japanese cuisine with my friend, Miss Koh..after our lunch at there, we went to jalan-jalan and i have bought a tube of mask which is ZA brand and the mask is especially for T-Zone..we walked till 4pm..and headed home..then after i reached home, i straight away went to sleep and till 6pm..tonight he got dinner with his friends which is his friend's wedding party..he went around 7pm and then i watch television with his family..around 11.30pm, i follow his mum go out to fetch him back from makan-makan..
*So fast a day have past..and tomorrow is the day whereas i have to go back to my hometown~~sob sob~~
After my shupping for the computer stuffs, we went to Centre Point to eat japanese cuisine with my friend, Miss Koh..after our lunch at there, we went to jalan-jalan and i have bought a tube of mask which is ZA brand and the mask is especially for T-Zone..we walked till 4pm..and headed home..then after i reached home, i straight away went to sleep and till 6pm..tonight he got dinner with his friends which is his friend's wedding party..he went around 7pm and then i watch television with his family..around 11.30pm, i follow his mum go out to fetch him back from makan-makan..
*So fast a day have past..and tomorrow is the day whereas i have to go back to my hometown~~sob sob~~
Monday, February 01, 2010
The same day at new place(Day 3)~~
After i eat my breakfast at home which i eat honey star with milk and sambil hear the Wilber Pan song..then, i start my journey with him to university because he need to find his lecturer to ask something regarding with his teaching..when arrived there, i see that my university still did not change after i have left for nearly 4 months..but, yet, i saw alot of new students..and..in my mind that time, i think that 'How good it was, if me can change place with them where i can continue with my study'..but, it is impossible..
Next, while we went down from car at the parking lot, we saw another Tutor Lim that kebetulan also preparing want to go to his class..we really so long did not meet and just chat in MSN..luckily, we still managed to have a small talk..fuhhh~~after an hour at school compound, he still cannot find his lecturer..therefore, we decided to go home and have a rest..sleep~~
Due to the reason that he got class at night from 7pm till 10pm..i date my room mate, Miss Cha Pik Ling to go and shupping at 1Borneo Hypermall..we start our journey from house at 4pm and reached school around 4.40pm..then..i finally meet back two of my beloved room mates..really miss the time chatting and gossiping with them..we have a small talk at the bus stop while waiting for the bus to shupping~~after we arrived at the mall, the first place we went is Pizza Hut because we are too hungry and have to feed our stomach first..after our dinner, then..we went to Parkson because i need to buy formal attires..we walked and walked and walked until him message me and say he finished class..the time is not enough for us because we have not done with the shupping~~oh, my!!!but, we still have to leave the mall if not we have to take the risks and walk go back~~~
When we reached home, he suggest to go out eat supper which is his dinner together with his mama..then she bring us to one shop that sell noodles..and i find that the noodles is very delicious..from the noodles..we can find ingredients like porky, wantan mee and other ingredients that is unknown to me..i wonder what is the things that make the noodles so 'fingers lickin good'~~..after our makan-makan..we went home and sleep~~yipeee!!
Next, while we went down from car at the parking lot, we saw another Tutor Lim that kebetulan also preparing want to go to his class..we really so long did not meet and just chat in MSN..luckily, we still managed to have a small talk..fuhhh~~after an hour at school compound, he still cannot find his lecturer..therefore, we decided to go home and have a rest..sleep~~
Due to the reason that he got class at night from 7pm till 10pm..i date my room mate, Miss Cha Pik Ling to go and shupping at 1Borneo Hypermall..we start our journey from house at 4pm and reached school around 4.40pm..then..i finally meet back two of my beloved room mates..really miss the time chatting and gossiping with them..we have a small talk at the bus stop while waiting for the bus to shupping~~after we arrived at the mall, the first place we went is Pizza Hut because we are too hungry and have to feed our stomach first..after our dinner, then..we went to Parkson because i need to buy formal attires..we walked and walked and walked until him message me and say he finished class..the time is not enough for us because we have not done with the shupping~~oh, my!!!but, we still have to leave the mall if not we have to take the risks and walk go back~~~
When we reached home, he suggest to go out eat supper which is his dinner together with his mama..then she bring us to one shop that sell noodles..and i find that the noodles is very delicious..from the noodles..we can find ingredients like porky, wantan mee and other ingredients that is unknown to me..i wonder what is the things that make the noodles so 'fingers lickin good'~~..after our makan-makan..we went home and sleep~~yipeee!!
The same day at new place(Day 2)~~
Today..i wake up around 9am..and maybe because i still have not get to used to it yet and i tend to wake up early..but, nevermind~~because i can wake up early and prepare to shupping~~so happy!!i like to shup alot~~wuhoooo@@@
He bring me to LINTAS to eat the KK famous, Sang Yuk Min which the 'MIN' is bihun kasar that mixed together with kicap pekat and cair..and..the noodles also will be served together with the 'SANG YUK' which is the porky with soup..yummmyy~~slurrppp~~
After our breakfast, we went to Centre Point, KK to shop and look around..we also went to Warisan Square and my favourite shop, Charles n Keith is on sales..yes!!is SALES!!but, too bad..the designs that left in the shop is limited..sad case..that day..i just managed to purchased some beauty products and some women things..sob sob~~
At night, after our dinner at house..he bring me to watch movie, Legion..yipppe!!i love watching drama..the movie not bad la..but, the beginning abit boring and i adore the main actor character..because he got the wings..love it~~the movie end at 11.45pm..then, we went home and that's all for the second day..
He bring me to LINTAS to eat the KK famous, Sang Yuk Min which the 'MIN' is bihun kasar that mixed together with kicap pekat and cair..and..the noodles also will be served together with the 'SANG YUK' which is the porky with soup..yummmyy~~slurrppp~~
After our breakfast, we went to Centre Point, KK to shop and look around..we also went to Warisan Square and my favourite shop, Charles n Keith is on sales..yes!!is SALES!!but, too bad..the designs that left in the shop is limited..sad case..that day..i just managed to purchased some beauty products and some women things..sob sob~~
At night, after our dinner at house..he bring me to watch movie, Legion..yipppe!!i love watching drama..the movie not bad la..but, the beginning abit boring and i adore the main actor character..because he got the wings..love it~~the movie end at 11.45pm..then, we went home and that's all for the second day..
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